Here is today’s set of tracks
- Yuck Fou – My Monkey
- DizneyFist – G-Man
- JUSTLOUD – Ordained
- Kover – Untitled
- The Ells – The Highway
- Tony Salomone – Daylight
- Mellow Cassette – Man or Machine
- Boot Scuff Brawlers – Over You
- Alicia Stockman – Little Dog
Opening monologue by Prince from “2045: Radical Man” (2004)
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Thanks for the boost!
- 2,222 sats from ChadF via Podverse, he says, “Monday afternoon, time for Sats and Sounds”
- 2,100 sats from Cannabis Records via PodcastGuru, during Prisoner 2 Love, they say, “love me some justloud!!!”
- 100 sats from 1rationalman via Fountain, he says, “keep doing what you do.”
- 1,000 sats from natejohnivan, via Fountain, he says, “So kind to play all those. Thank you so much! R.a.t.a.h. is an acronym, at practice one day we started talking about what the band name should be and Randy our synth player said, “how about Randy and the ass holes?” so, R.a.t.a.h. I was unaware of Sats and Sounds til today and can’t wait to go back through your shows! thanks again for playing my stuff, it means more than you know.”
- 100 sats from natejohnivan via Fountain, he says, “good stuff!”
- 666 sats from joelw via Fountain, no note
- 50 sats from user34908020 via Fountain, no note
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